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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you ship internationally?  

  • Yes, we do!

How long does shipping take?

  • We'll receive your order and process it within 1-4 days after purchase.  As soon as we ship your item(s), you'll receive an email from us with tracking info.  Delivery takes 1-4 weeks after item ships.  Your order will generally arrive in 2-3 weeks.

We  DO NOT OFFER refunds while a product is in transit as it is already on the way to you. We understand this can be a long time, but it is worth the wait at the competitive prices we offer.

How much is the shipping cost?

  • Free WORLDWIDE shipping, always.
  • Express Shipping - at this time we do not offer express shipping.  

 Where are your products from? 

  • All of our current suppliers are located in China, United States, and Europe.  We ship directly from our manufacturers to save our customers an additional shipping + packaging cost.  
How can I track my order?  
  • Our team will send you an email notification as soon as your item ships with a tracking number when it becomes available from our manufacturers.  If you've ordered multiple items, there's a good chance they'll ship from different manufacturers and you'll receive more than 1 tracking email.

    What is your return policy?

    • We FIRMLY stand behind our products.  Please see Shipping & Returns page for specific details.  

    I didn't get all of my items.

    • Sometimes items are ready to ship before others.  We ship them out as soon as they are packaged and addressed directly from our manufacturers.  There is no additional cost for items that ship in different packages.

    Can I still make changes to my order after I have placed it?

    • If you need to make a change to your order, please email us at xyz@hotmail.com and we will do our best to help you. We generally cannot make changes to your order after 12 hours of purchase.  If your order has been shipped, you may return or exchange any items you do not wish to keep after you receive them.

    Can I pay in my own currency?

    • All of our prices on our website will checkout in USD (United States Dollar). If your credit card is based in another currency, your order total will be calculated in accordance with the daily exchange rate of the date your card issues and processes the transaction. 

    How secure is my personal information?

    Safe Haven adheres to highest industry standards to protect your personal information when you checkout and purchase from our online store.

    Your credit card information is encrypted during transmission using secure socket layer (SSL) technology, which is widely used on the Internet for processing payments. Your credit card information is only used to complete the requested transaction and is not subsequently stored.

    Didn’t find what you were looking for? Contact us at xyz@hotmail.com